Wisdom tooth extraction is a routine dental surgery among adults and teenagers. However, other teeth may get extracted by a dentist for several reasons. Tooth infection, severe and untreated tooth, tooth decay, and teeth crowding are among the most common reasons for tooth extraction in adults. Extracting a tooth before orthodontics is very common since the orthodontist needs enough space in the mouth to perform a successful orthodontic treatment. A dentist who performs tooth extraction in North York believes that patients who suffer from certain diseases such as cancer and undergo chemotherapy may need to extract their teeth and prevent damage to the oral area.

An oral surgeon or general dentist performs tooth extraction. Local, general, or intravenous anesthesia is needed so that the patient does not feel any pain while extracting their tooth. Impacted tooth, broken tooth or tooth that is not visible is more difficult for being removed and may need a surgical procedure.

Bleeding is totally natural after tooth extraction. Gauze pads are required to be put gently on the socket. It can efficiently absorb the blood, and the patient faces fewer complications. After 3 to 4 hours, you should remove the gauze or replace it with a clean and new one. Your dentist probably prescribes pain killers to relieve the pain after tooth extraction. Some patients may need more potent pain killers or have to take pain killers for a longer time.

To reduce the pain and swelling, put an ice pack on your face. It would help if you rested properly after tooth extraction. A whole day of resting is needed after tooth extraction. You should also avoid hard work for a few days. Lie down and put your head on a pillow to lessen the amount of bleeding. On the first day after tooth extraction, try to rinse your mouth with saltwater or pure lukewarm water. You must take any sign of tooth infection seriously. In the case of a tooth infection after a tooth extraction, do not hesitate to visit your emergency dentist.

A few days of rest is enough for the healing duration after tooth extraction. Feeling dizzy or vomiting is dangerous after tooth extraction.

Eating habits after tooth extraction

Consider eating softer food a few weeks after tooth extraction. Soup, eggs, cooked vegetables, and yogurt are useful for those who have extracted their tooth. Very cold, very hot, spicy, or acidic foods on the first days after tooth extraction may stimulate your tooth and gum to get more painful. Nuts, chips, popcorns, and seeds are forbidden after tooth extraction. You must quit smoking since smoking will postpone the healing process of gum tissue. Smoking also causes excessive bleeding and infection and puts you in serious trouble.

After tooth extraction, you shouldn’t be worried about the space of your missing teeth. Dental implants are a beneficial option to replace your lost teeth. They can look and function as your real teeth do. Your dentist may suggest an immediate dental implant right after tooth extraction.

By Sienna